Nordmann News & Events News New, versatile dietary fibers for the food industry
27 March 2024

New, versatile dietary fibers for the food industry

FIBERTEX™ CF citrus fibers from Nordmann partner Ingredion contain more than 90% dietary fiber and are able to replace food ingredients such as fats, hydrocolloids and modified starches as a result of their inherent functionality. FIBERTEX™ CF citrus fibers can be used to formulate everything from sauces and baked goods to processed meat and plant-based meat alternatives.

Ingredion reclaims the castoff peels of citrus fruits such as lemons, limes and oranges to produce its FIBERTEX™ CF products – reducing food waste from the pectin industry.

Woman smiling at jam while grocery shopping

The clean-label era


According to exclusive consumer insights from Ingredion known as “ATLAS”, more customers want products that contain ingredients they know. They prefer to buy products with simple descriptions, health-promoting benefits and claims that convey naturalness and freshness. In fact, the majority of consumers today are prepared to pay a higher price for “natural,” clean-label products.


Made from upcycled ingredients, FIBERTEX™ CF citrus fibers can justify consumer-preferred label claims such as “source of fiber” or “high fiber content” that allow end products to stand out on the shelf.


Depending on their intended use, they can make food softer, more durable and/or give end products a special mouthfeel – in addition to boosting fiber content. They also offer food manufacturers a sophisticated way of reducing fat, sugar and calories.


Different grades for different applications


Ingredion’s portfolio features two varieties of FIBERTEX™ CF products that differ in terms of their particle size and capacity for water retention.


FIBERTEX CF 102 has smaller particles and is suitable for:

  • Sauces, dips and condiments
  • Baked goods like low-fat muffins and cakes, moist or gluten-free cookies, soft baked snack bars or hamburger buns
  • Processed meats


FIBERTEX CF 502 has larger particles and is suitable for:

  • Sauces (especially tomato), dips, emulsified dressings and condiments
  • Baked goods like low-fat muffins and cakes
  • Processed meats
  • Plant-based meat alternatives


The use of FIBERTEX™ CF citrus fibers, which Nordmann distributes in Germany, goes beyond their function as a source of fiber. They offer an advanced way to reduce fat, sugar and calories. They also appeal to modern consumers, who are placing more and more value on natural and transparent ingredients.

For more information, please contact: 

Sabrina Brandt
Sabrina Brandt
Senior Technical Sales & Product Manager | Food
Nordmann, Rassmann GmbH

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