25 years of successful partnership: INEOS Composites and Nordmann
The DERAKANE™ epoxy vinyl ester resins have been developed already more than 60 years ago and are with some further developments in the portfolio benchmark in the market. These special resins are widely used in the composites and chemical industry, because of the excellent chemical and corrosion resistance, high-temperature stability and toughness against a wide variety of chemicals and under the most difficult conditions.

After more than 25 years, it was appropriate to reflect on what has been achieved and to celebrate this special partnership, which will hopefully last for another 25 years.

From left: Johan Huijbregts, Dr. Marco Pickel, Daniel Rothmann, Eugenio Taglialatela Scafati, Ulrich Cramer, Thorsten Prott and Dr. Ignacio Javier Núnez Zorriqueta
For more information, please contact:

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Germany and Switzerland.

New starch ether for high-quality tile adhesives

Innovative epoxy resins from Olin®: environmentally friendly according to the latest regulations